My kids have gotten really picky about their eating lately. They're refusing to try anything new and are begging for a treat after every meal. It was driving me crazy so I created these cards. The first one labeled "Try It, Punch It" is for healthy eating. Whenever they eat something healthy they get one circle punched {or initialed}. When all 10 are filled they get a treat. I'm planning to just stock up on inexpensive dollar store things and other items when I see them on clearance.

The second one is labeled "Earn A Treat". For this one they need to eat 10 healthy foods such as carrots, a salad, broccoli, etc. Once they've received their 10 punches they get a sweet treat.

I'm offering these as a free printable. Please remember that they are for personal use only. If you want to share with others please direct them to this post. There are 8 on each page. The first set are in 4 different colors and the second set are all alike. Just click on each picture to be taken to the download {minus the watermark}
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